[Sugar-devel] GSOC Project: Git Backend

Vikram Ahuja vikramahuja8803 at gmail.com
Fri May 13 12:25:14 EDT 2016

Hi all,
I will be working on the Git Backend project during GSOC 2016. I would like
to discuss this project with the community.

Description -
Major Feature-   To create a git like backend for the Sugar Journal and
Turtle JS which will support versioning control.

This part is divided in two parts
i) To code the backend itself in python and use it on a Python Activity
ii)  Using the same thing in TurtleJS by using a web service (Flask for
example) and python web functions for the same.

I am currently working on the following 7 tasks and will finish them in
next two days, so that  there is enough time to discuss about it before the
community bonding period ends.
1. UX Design
2. Server Side Integration
3. Client Side Integration
4. Final list of features/functions to be exposed in the UI
5. Finalising libraries to be used
6. Decide on which framework to be used
7. A flow chart
PFA the proposal which contains more detail about the project

Any suggestions or advice regarding the project are welcome.

Vikram Ahuja
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