[Sugar-devel] Sugarizer Activity Set - Speak Activity (vishal.batchu)

Vishal Batchu vishalvenkat71 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 24 02:28:31 EDT 2016

Hi Tony,

I took a look at the Java version of the bot but I wanted to ensure that
the entire activity is only dependent on the browser and nothing else. So I
wanted to use a Javascript implementation of the AIML parser.
Using this, https://www.npmjs.com/package/aimlinterpreter and making a lot
of changes I could get it to work and parse the AIML files and extract the
responses in a manner that is similar to the original activity.. The bot
now works with the same AIML files that are used in the original activity.

I really like the idea of the user teaching the bot in case the bot does
not know the answer. I will definitely add this in the javascript version
and maybe also make a PR on the original activity if I implement this

One of the problems that I am currently facing is that Javascript takes
longer than Python to load the responses and reply to the user, I will try
make it faster maybe by reading the files differently or maybe by doing
that parallelly once the activity has started. It currently takes about
2.5-3.5 seconds for the bot to respond to a question.

Vishal Batchu

On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 10:29 AM, Tony Anderson <tony_anderson at usa.net>

> Speak includes implementation of aiml (http://www.alicebot.org). There
> are several implementations of the engine (e.g. java, python). For
> Sugarizer, java
> may be the most relevant unless Vishal wants to undertake a javascript
> version.
> This is a valuable although overlooked feature. With this feature, Speak
> can imitate human dialog. AIML provides a way for users to create their own
> bots.
> This could be used by students to practice English dialogs or to create a
> bot in their native language. One technique is to set the default response
> to 'I don't know what to say about that.' and provide code so that user can
> enter: say: An appropriate response to the previous entry where the bot
> treats this as the response to provide to the next time this entry is
> encountered.
> client: What is your favorite fruit?
> bot: I don't know what to say about that.
> client: say: I like apples
> then
> client: What is your favorite fruit?
> bot: I like apples
> Tony
> On 03/23/2016 06:04 AM, Lionel Laské wrote:
> Nice first draft Vishal.
> BTW it works only on Firefox for me (not on Chrome).
> Leave some work for the GSoC :-)
>         Lionel.
> 2016-03-21 17:00 GMT+01:00 <sugar-devel-request at lists.sugarlabs.org>:
>> Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2016 21:35:22 +0530
>> From: "vishal.batchu" <vishal.batchu at students.iiit.ac.in>
>> To: <sugar-devel at lists.sugarlabs.org>, <lionel at olpc-france.org>
>> Subject: [Sugar-devel] Sugarizer Activity Set - Speak Activity
>> Message-ID: <694e0ecf69d3cedc2ba7f087afcf3ddb at students.iiit.ac.in>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
>> Hi,
>> I have started working on the Speak activity port of the Sugarizer
>> activity set and have implemented a lot of the basic features that are
>> present in the activity.
>> I have also integrated an AIML parser which will take the place of the
>> AI bot.
>> Could I get a review on the activity and how I need to improve the
>> modes (standard speak and the robot modes) I have currently developed
>> further? I have not yet worked on the 'Voice Chat' mode, I will start
>> working on that soon.
>> An issue that is currently present is that the mouth stops moving
>> before the speaking stops for some inputs, I will be fixing that soon.
>> Here is a link to the activity I am porting,
>> http://speak-activity-sugarizer.bitballoon.com/
>> Thanks!
>> Vishal Batchu
>> (@erilyth)
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