[Sugar-devel] Font Editor Activity || GSoC 2016

Tony Anderson tony_anderson at usa.net
Fri Apr 22 22:03:49 EDT 2016

Thanks for the help. I found it in the dashboard/Sugar Labs (number 62). 
Clicking on 62 shows all the proposals.

Thanks again,


On 04/22/2016 07:40 AM, Mredul Sarda wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am a student from a university in India applied for GSoC 2016. I 
> have applied for Font Editor Activity under mentor Dave.
> I have started working around with the sugar activities. Just to 
> mention that I found working with sugarizer more easier, I would 
> prefer working on this web based activity if given a choice. However, 
> Sugar Activities are more widespread among the education community so 
> it might be a better option to start with. It would be great to have 
> some opinions from the core Sugar Community about how do they look 
> into the future of this activity. It is important that we are clear 
> about our choices before starting.
> I was going through TruFont app to identify the basic features and 
> icons for the Sugar Activity. I understand that the pencil in their 
> case itself has the Bezier Curves Algorithm implemented. However I 
> feel that it should be separately implemented with another icon to 
> twist the line drawn using the algorithm.
> Secondly, I think we should put up lines or grids, so as to accurately 
> place the characters and glyphs and better finishing. These are some 
> small level improvisations possible. I am thinking more on the lines 
> of Paint Activity with more control over the position and dimensions 
> of glyphs.
> I have locally tried to edit the Paint Sugar Activity according to our 
> requirements because many of the basic features remain exactly same. I 
> would like to have inputs from the Sugar Community on the concerns and 
> suggestions mentioned above.
> Looking forward for your reply. Thanks and Regards,
> Mredul Sarda.
> Student Developer, IIT Bombay. INDIA.
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