[Sugar-devel] 32bits dependencies error

Diogo Figueira diogof2014 at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 30 11:59:20 EST 2015

1- version 0.98 installs but doesnt open. If i enter the suger session with the login he tries to open but then automaticly leaves and closes  the session.

2- version 0.96 is full of problems with the apps, and 2 of the apps that come with sugar don't work. A lot off apps that come from the sugar activities sie, dont work for the 0.96 version.

3- olpc-ubuntu-sugar doesnt work because of dependencies problems.

equal packages but don't work
less packages and gives error of dependencies
Gtk2-engines-sugar → doesnt exist
(exemple of inexistend  packages )
Erros with 32bits Best regards

               Diogo Figueira
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