[Sugar-devel] Tuxmath

Tony Anderson tony_anderson at usa.net
Tue Jun 2 23:37:47 EDT 2015

Obviously, Ubuntu is non-starter for an XO deployment.

There are deployments which require signed images (e.g. Rwanda).

The original idea in Sugar was that activities needed to satisfy any 
software dependencies not supplied by Sugar. The tuxmath-2.xo met that 
requirement up to 0.94.

For example, geogebra depends on jre and supplied that dependency. If 
use of geogebra requires installation of jre in the image then every XO 
will use the required storage whether geogebra is installed or not.

The obvious problem is that activities which depend on object modules 
work only on the XO-1 and XO-1.5. In the original spirit, this would 
mean two (or more) versions of an activity - one for the x86 and one for 

Another change is that with an XO-1 running on an SD card, there may be 
free storage available to include these packages in the build. The 
addition of these packages must be an official part of the signed image 
so that activities can be modified to use them. This would mean that 
deployments of XO-1 would have to acquire SD cards for each laptop (in 
Rwanda there are thousands of XO-1s deployed so the cost to acqure and 
to distribute the SD cards is not trivial).

In addition to what Gonzalo said in earlier reply, this need to change
the .info file was fixed for Sugar 0.105.0, so please upgrade.  What's
your upgrade plan?  Have you made sure the next version of Sugar will
meet your needs?

At the moment, the deployments I am working with are using 12.2.1 on the 
XO-1 and 13.2.1 on the other models. I hope to upgrade for the next 
version of BERNIE for the next school year (by the Malaysia Summit). I 
expect that the image at that point will be based on Fedora 22 and so 
will require extensive testing. I had hoped to use an SD card with each 
model so I could be able to boot the current image or the new image as 
needed for troubleshooting. When I installed the newer images they 
ignored the SD card and flashed the internal store. What might work is 
running the current builds on the SD card. However, the install of the 
newer images updates the firmware which may make it impossible to run 
the older releases.

I am working on a method to test the ASLO activities to see which are 
still viable. In the case of GCompris, the 'unsustainable' install 
technique works well so the 100 GCompris activities in ASLO are not 
needed. This still leaves about 300 to be tested. So far I have been 
unable to get any Sugar Web Activity to work - it appears that Sugar is 
not displaying the index.html (For example, when I display the 
index.html of the Web Welcome in Browse, it works as expected; however, 
launching from the list/home view shows no errors, but nothing appears 
on the screen.


On 06/03/2015 03:42 AM, James Cameron wrote:
> Summary: if you must deploy TuxMath, use TuxMath-3.1.xo with TuxMath
> 2.0.3 on Ubuntu, it works fine there.
> On Tue, Jun 02, 2015 at 05:43:39PM +0200, Tony Anderson wrote:
>> >I tried to install TuxMath with:
>> >
>> >sudo yum --downloadonly --downloaddir=/home/olpc/Documents install tuxmath
> No thanks, unsustainable, unsupported.  Supported method for OLPC OS
> is to add tuxmath package to the build, make the build, and then
> install it.  The .ini file would have:
> 	[custom_packages]
> 	add_packages=tuxmath
> 	[sugar_activities_extra]
> 	url_1=http://people.sugarlabs.org/~walter/TuxMath-3.1.xo
> But given my findings below, don't bother.

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