[Sugar-devel] [GSOC 2015] Required Details for Improved Imageviewer

Sam P. sam.parkinson3 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 12 23:56:10 EST 2015

Hi Amit,

Sounds like an interesting idea!

Just a few questions to get the conversation started:

1. What do you mean by sharing?  Sugar already has collaboration (which
imageviewer supports from memory) and web services (which operate at a
journal level).

2. Effects would be cool!  Will it be like the effects in paint activity?

3. Exif support.  IMHO this would fit better with the journal metadata,
maybe they could be integrated.  Also, do sugar activities properly add
this metadata when they make images?

Also, I'm not 100% sure what we are doing for GSOC2015... Maybe somebody
else knows?

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