[Sugar-devel] [Announcing] UNSTABLE 0.107.1 release (feature freeze)

Martin Abente martin.abente.lahaye at gmail.com
Mon Dec 28 12:35:36 EST 2015

Hello everyone,

Moving forward with our current development cycle, I am pleased to announce
the release of Sugar 0.107.1 (unstable). This release means that we have
officially passed the time [1] for including new features and that we must
start focusing on stability and bug fixing.

This release comes with many improvements that are worth mentioning:

   - Changing the Frame settings in the control panel no longer requires to
   restart Sugar.
   - Added new keyboard controls to access and navigate the control panel.
   - The control panel can display the serial number for commodity
   - Multiple bundles can be installed at once using good old
   sugar-install-bundle script.
   - The shell now claims file transfer channels so Empathy won't interfere
   - Home views names can be changed now.
   - Neighborhood icons are no longer placed randomly.
   - Sugar can now start even when the disk is full.
   - More documentation for our gtk3 toolkit.
   - More fixes for the Sugar theme.
   - and even more [2].

Kudos to James Cameron, Sam Parkinson, Ezequiel Pereira, Batchu Venkat
Vishal and our Google Code-In students who are responsible for these
contributions, and to Gonzalo Odiard, Ignacio Rodriguez and Julio Reyes for
the reviewing work.

The tarballs for this release can be downloaded from:


*Please help us testing it!*


[1] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.108/Roadmap
[2] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.108/Feature_List
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