[Sugar-devel] Speech synthesizer in sugar web

Yader Velásquez yajosev at gmail.com
Fri Aug 14 21:44:46 EDT 2015

Hi James,

Yes, I know it's a browser feature, I'm following the official doc to
web activities[1] but neither the browser activity neither the activity
that I'm
developing have that feature :(

I did "window.navigator" in my activity console and this is what I got:
appCodeName: "Mozilla"
appName: "Netscape"
appVersion: "5.0 (Macintosh, Intel Mac OS X ) AppleWebKit/538.1 (KHTML,
like Gecko) Safari/538.1"

I need synthesize spanish text in the current browser engine that sugar
uses to run web activities.


It is a feature of the browser.  What browser are you using?
> In what way does it not work?
> Does the feature detection test pass?
> if ('speechSynthesis' in window) {
>  // Synthesis support. Make your web apps talk!
> }
> If you use the browser to visit html5test.com does the "Speech
> Synthesis" item have a "Yes ✓"?

[1] https://developer.sugarlabs.org/activity.md.html

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