[Sugar-devel] ASLO

Gonzalo Odiard godiard at sugarlabs.org
Fri May 23 07:52:43 EDT 2014

> Second, I see you are investing a ton of work on this.
>> I don't know if there are some wiki page with the plan about
>> what features would need a hypothetical ASLO2..
>> if is not, can you prepare one with the points we already discussed?
> Here you go: http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/ASLO2
> Have I missed any?

Would be good separate the features from the implementation.
"Search by activity name or description" is a feature, "websockets" or
"json database"
is a implementation detail. Is important have clear _what_ we need,
and later define _how_ achieve that.

Then we need start with the features the actual ASLO have:

* Stores every version of a activity (.xo, release notes, screenshots).
* Can search by text or activity description (English only)
* UI localized
* Activities have categories
* Users can add comments and stars
* Offer the last activity version available based on the user Sugar version
(if use Browse activity)

you can add the new features we need:

* support i18n (search in languages different than English)
* make easier publish a new version
* automatic publish of development versions with github hooks
* bugs reports? (will create bus in bugs.sugarlabs.org?)
* improve communication with the developers?

I don't know if I am missing something, have all this clear will be good
in a big project like this.

Gonzalo Odiard

SugarLabs - Software for children learning
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