[Sugar-devel] Atom shell

Christian Stroetmann stroetmann at ontolab.com
Sat May 17 19:00:38 EDT 2014

Thanks Gonzalo,

In fact, I do know the web loaction.
But I only tried to run the Thin Client again yesterday by pushing on 
the button "Run it now!" respectively by following the hyperlinks to 
"llaske.github.io/Sugarizer/" and, honestly, because "llaske.github.io" 
is not accessable at all, I have concluded that the code for the Client 
and the Server can't be downloaded anymore as well.
Now I found that the correct address of the repository is: 
github.com/llaske/Sugarizer .


On 18th of March 2014 00:38, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:
> http://sugarizer.org/
> On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 5:20 PM, Christian Stroetmann 
> <stroetmann at ontolab.com <mailto:stroetmann at ontolab.com>> wrote:
>     On 14th of March 2014 05:05, Christian Stroetmann wrote:
>>     On 13th of March 2014 15:52, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:
>>>     On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 10:30 AM, Christian Stroetmann
>>>     <stroetmann at ontolab.com <mailto:stroetmann at ontolab.com>> wrote:
>>>         On 13th of March 2014 15:06, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:
>>>>         On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 9:44 AM, Christian Stroetmann
>>>>         <stroetmann at ontolab.com <mailto:stroetmann at ontolab.com>> wrote:
>>>>             Aloha Everybody
>>>>             Why don't you ask the creators of the Sugarfox project?
>>>>         Because I can't find anything about that on internet?
>>>         Yes, you are right. There is not much publicated under [1],
>>>     Ohh, I don't want start this discussion again, but when I think
>>>     on "creation" I look for a concrete implementation,
>>>     can be a prototype,  repository, etc.
>>     Basically, there are 2 repositories:
>>     1. the repository of FirefoxOS and
>>     2. the repository of Sugar Web.
>>     To implement a prototype is trivial. Just follow the installation
>>     instructions of FirefoxOS and then run Sugar Web on it. As I
>>     said, it is self-explanatory.
>     I have to correct my explanation, because I meant and tried the
>     Sugarizer in thin client variant.
>     But it is obvious that everything realized in HTML5 and JS should
>     work on Firefox OS as long as it does not need a special virtual
>     machine that is not supported by the stack of the web browser Firefox.
>     By the way: Where is the Sugarizer?
>     Christian
>>     Christian
>>>     Gonzalo
>>>         Christian
>>>         [1] Sugarfox
>>>         www.ontonics.com/innovation/pipeline.htm#sugarfox
>>>         <http://www.ontonics.com/innovation/pipeline.htm#sugarfox>
> -- 
> Gonzalo Odiard
> SugarLabs - Software for children learning

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