[Sugar-devel] Small issues with Sugar 0.102

Gonzalo Odiard godiard at sugarlabs.org
Thu May 15 13:11:48 EDT 2014

On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 1:44 PM, Sebastian Silva
<sebastian at fuentelibre.org>wrote:

> Greetings Sugar developers,
> I'm running Sugar from sugar-build on top of Manjaro GNU/Linux, without
> broot.
> So far I've found the following little annoyances which probably would be
> simple to fix with right guidance and hopefully will contribute to the
> polish of this release.
Thanks Sebastian.

> 1.- Copy causes left frame to widen by ~10px until session end.

May be is related to http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/4769 ?

> 2.- Alt-Tab does not show frame. It was hard to catch this one, at first I
> didn't know what was wrong. Without visual reference (how many steps to
> target), it's hard to navigate between windows.
> 3.- Shift-Alt-Tab doesn't reverse cycle windows. Makes [2] more annoying.
> 4.- Missing icons from regular gtk theme. I've tried a couple of naive
> different approaches to this but I can't seem to get sugar to inherit from
> HighContrast or other such icon. So some X11 applications show up with
> empty icons.

Seen here too.

> 5.- I disabled metacity compositing and setup compton compositor. It adds
> nice window and fade effects, it's a cheap way to add glitz to Sugar on
> higher end systems, maybe we should consider making this an option.
Would be great if you can confirm is these errors are particular to your
development environment,
or if are regressions. Hopefully we will get Fedora 20 images soon.
I saw different visual artifacts in sugar-build on F20 (in particular
palettes show a border line), but I don't know if are related to new gtk
version or what.
Can you check your gtk version?


> Hopefully these comments are useful.
> Regards,
> Sebastian
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Gonzalo Odiard

SugarLabs - Software for children learning
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