[Sugar-devel] Fwd: Backup/Restore

Sebastian Silva sebastian at fuentelibre.org
Mon Feb 24 10:16:02 EST 2014

Hi Tony,
Yes we agree this was a useful feature.
We have enabled it again for Peru builds (Hexoquinasa).
It is done by creating the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/zapnot.conf
with the following content:

Section "ServerFlags"
     Option "DontZap" "false"

Section "InputClass"
     Identifier      "Keyboard Defaults"
     MatchIsKeyboard "yes"
     Option          "XkbOptions" "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp"

For reference, here's the file from our repo:

Hope this helps,

El 18/02/14 07:24, Manuel Quiñones escribió:
> Forwarding another message from Tony.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Tony Anderson <tony at olenepal.org>
> Date: 2014-02-17 22:07 GMT-03:00
> Subject: Backup/Restore
> To: manuq at laptop.org
> Hi,
> A footnote. I think one easy way to make the nick setting effective is
> to restart via a three-finger salute. This was
> a very important capability that we lost after 0.84 (as I recall).
> Yesterday, I had a student who had (through impatience) started so
> many activities that the XO was not responding. It was necessary to
> shut down and do a cold start. The
> ctl+alt+del would have been a more effective answer.
> One extra would be to allow a dual-restart, i.e allow the user to
> restart either desktop after ctl+alt+del. That would be much easier
> than the current procedure.
> Tony

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