[Sugar-devel] [Issue] Need action backporting and releasing translations for Browse

Manuel Quiñones manuq at laptop.org
Thu Oct 17 10:14:47 EDT 2013

Hi Sebastian,

(removing personal email adresses)

If you really have to use Sugar 0.94 on the field, which is GTK2 based
(ouch, that's old) there is a branch origin/sugar-0.94.  I can give
you access for you to maintain it.  I'm currently maintaining a stable
branch 0.98, and a devel branch 0.100.

I'm afraid translations go to old versions.  Would be valuable have
them in stable branch and master branch.

2013/10/17 Sebastian Silva <sebastian at fuentelibre.org>:
> Hello Browse developers,
> I'm in the process of integrating Aymara translations into the Operating
> System image currently being tested for deployment in Peru. This image has
> Sugar 0.94 and thus only supports activities built with GTK2.
> This means in some cases we will be using older, compatible versions of
> Activities such as Browse 129.
> Even though the translation project in Pootle is up to date, Browse 129 did
> not have these translations.
> Now, we're using Sugar Network to provide feedback and support channels for
> activities. This means that we can only include Activities which have been
> released into ASLO [because Sugar Network uses ASLO as source].
> I've put a great deal of thought into how to backport translations to older
> versions and have come up with the following procedure (to produce
> http://people.sugarlabs.org/icarito/Browse-129.1.xo):
> # To be done within a clone of git://git.sugarlabs.org/browse/mainline.git
> # Get v129
> git checkout v129
> # Get updated translation from HEAD
> git checkout origin/HEAD po/ayc.po
> # Merge translations with proper template for this version
> msgmerge po/ayc.po po/Browse.pot -o po/ayc.po
> # Use your favourite text editor to bump version of activity/activity.info
> # Add and commit
> git add po/ayc.po
> git commit -m "backport ayc translation"
> git add activity/activity.info
> git commit -m "bump v129.1"
> # Tag new version
> git tag v129.1
> # Make bundle (I like this way, or use setup.py from within Sugar 0.94)
> sweets dist_xo
> # The (hopefully) resulting dist/Browse-129.1.xo should be fine for release
> (tested by me)
> # Find my version at http://people.sugarlabs.org/icarito/Browse-129.1.xo
> The resulting xo works fine and has Aymara translations.
> For your convenience I've also attached the resulting commits as patches.
> Now I need your help getting this version into ASLO! Will it be possible to
> release a 129.1 with this updated translation?
> Note we are expected to continue the process of adding native languages (and
> we have about 60 of them in Peru) so probably we'll have to do this again
> sometime in the future. Any suggestions for a better process are welcome.
> Thanks for your hard work and for supporting deployments,
> Sebastian

.. manuq ..

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