[Sugar-devel] [ANNOUNCE] Triage meeting to review untriaged bugs

Rachel Finger (via Doodle) mailer at doodle.com
Sat Nov 30 19:37:25 EST 2013

Hi there,

Rachel Finger has chosen the following final date in the poll
“[ANNOUNCE] Triage meeting to review untriaged bugs”:

Sunday, December 1, 4:30 PM  (Time zone: Eastern Time)

Rachel Finger says:
If anyone still wants to attend the meeting but has not responded to
the poll, meet us on irc.freenode.net #sugar-meeting at 4:30 PM (EST)!
I hope to see everyone there! :)

Go to poll


You have received this e-mail because "Rachel Finger" has invited you
to participate in the Doodle poll "[ANNOUNCE] Triage meeting to review
untriaged bugs."


Doodle AG, Werdstrasse 21, 8021 Zürich
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