[Sugar-devel] [UKids] ProtoSnap with Arduino plugin

James Cameron quozl at laptop.org
Mon Nov 18 04:10:36 EST 2013

On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 03:03:55AM -0500, Adam Holt wrote:
> With Alan Aguiar's great breakthrough, we've confirmed TurtleBots
> works with the ProtoSnap Pro Mini as-is, plug-n-play.  TurtleBots
> can also co-exist with the regular version of Turtle Blocks, unlike
> the previous hacked version of Turtle Art.

Good to hear.

It would be better if Turtle Blocks could include the Arduino plugin
always.  Something for Walter to consider.  I'll CC sugar-devel@ to
engage him.

> How to reorganize the wiki page, given much of that info's now quite
> unnecessary for teachers?

It is only unnecessary if the ProtoSnap is provided with
StandardFirmata already uploaded.  The SparkFun product you linked on
the page does not have this.  You need to clear that up.  The
ambiguity will cause trouble for readers.

Meanwhile, I have moved the StandardFirmata uploading to a subpage, so
now you will find the page more appropriate for teachers who are given
an already uploaded ProtoSnap.  You will see that the instructions are
much shorter.

> Perhaps a new section for the ProtoSnap Pro Mini in the massive
> Turtle Blocks HOW-TO page[1]?

The Turtle Blocks page on the Sugar Wiki is way too big to add a
ProtoSnap - Pro Mini specific section.  But really, the ProtoSnap -
Pro Mini is just one of many Arduino boards that will work with Turtle
Blocks.  I see no reason to call it out in particular.

> I would ask who on this list can install Alan's next build of
> TurtleBots-(23) and help produce the priceless global documentation
> or screenshots educators need for their ProtoSnap and TurtleBots:
> - How to control the LED
> - How to control the buzzer
> - How to read the light sensor
> - How to read the push button

Indeed, you could do with some lesson plans.  That is something for
the Sugar Labs Wiki, since it will be applicable to all uses of Turtle

> Basic steps for each of the above and a fun exercise such as 1)
> TurtleBots blocks to make the buzzer play a tune[2] or 2) have the
> light sensor trigger changes in pen-down drawing or sounds in
> TurtleBots.
> Do any modifications to the blocks themselves need to be made to
> better operate the Pro Mini, such as blocks with commands to send
> sound signals?

No idea.

> Thanks to true volunteer experts who've brought us this far; we are
> incredibly close to bringing this tactile open learning gem into the
> hands of teachers across all continents!

I don't think you should hesitate to bring it to teachers now and use
the experience to tune the install guide and lesson plans.  Close the
feedback loop.

> Adam in Malaysia with 5 other brand new ProtoSnap tinkerers.
> [1] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Activities/Turtle_Art
> [2] Speaker example code - play musical tones (ProtoSnap)
> http://lilypadarduino.org/?page_id=716
> from
> http://lilypadarduino.org/?page_id=550
> --
> Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @ http://unleashkids.org !
> On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 6:57 PM, Mike Lee <curiouslee at gmail.com> wrote:
>     Alan,
>     I just downloaded your beta and replaced version 22 with it. I repeated all
>     the previously successful steps. Everything worked the same and I got the
>     expected blinking LED.
>     I will be happy to keep the cable and board with the XO and test your next
>     builds until you have a final version 23. But also there are many people
>     (12 or more) who have Adam's boards. Maybe they can confirm as well.
>     Mike
>     On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 6:29 PM, Alan Jhonn Aguiar Schwyn <
>     alanjas at hotmail.com> wrote:
>         Hi,
>         Good! :-)
>         Can you test the latest version with new PyFirmata?
>         I attach a "beta" TurtleBots 23 that I just compile. Is not
>         the "final" version 23.
>         This version is builded with TurtleBlocks 193+.
>         Regards!
>         Alan
>         md5 TurtleBots-23.xo:  5014f44e18331bba0869890a72553986
>         ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
>         Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 17:36:33 -0500
>         Subject: Re: [UKids] ProtoSnap with Arduino plugin
>         From: curiouslee at gmail.com
>         To: alanjas at gmail.com
>         CC: unleashkids at googlegroups.com
>         Alan,
>         I just downloaded and installed Turtlebots-22 on a fresh install of
>         Sugar 0.100 on XO-4 Touch HS B1. I plugged in a Sparkfun Protosnap Pro
>         Mini board which has Standard Firmata installed with the Arduino IDE on
>         a PC. I started Turtlebots and ran the script that Ian Daniher gave me
>         to blink the LED and it worked fine. It's great to finally see a Sugar
>         activity that will work with the Unleash Kids version of the board with
>         no special configuration. I also own an NXT kit and WeDo, and will now
>         try those out when I get a chance.
>         Photo
>         http://www.flickr.com/photos/curiouslee/10913305974/
>         Video
>         http://www.flickr.com/photos/curiouslee/10913484183/
>         I am no longer directly involved with Unleash Kids, but I know Adam has
>         as many as 100 of these boards on which Sparkfun has pre-installed
>         Standard Firmata. You could order this board from Sparkfun and install
>         firmata yourself, but Adam got his boards at a discount (purchasing
>         with his own funds). I know he would also like the community to use of
>         them and additionally help document how to work with the other
>         components on the board such as the buzzer, light sensor and push
>         button. Brian Huang at Sparkfun has told me he has built an
>         XO-compatible tethered robot based on the Pro Mini board, H-bridge chip
>         and Magician chassis, but I have not had a chance to try his code. He
>         was favoring the use of Ardublock in Gnome.
>         You might contact Adam at holt [at] unleashkids [dot] org to work
>         something out if you want one of his boards.
>         Mike
>         On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 9:52 AM, Alan Aguiar <alanjas at gmail.com> wrote:
>             Hi,
>             I was seeing this wiki entry: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/
>             ProtoSnap_Contributors_Guide
>             And see that it uses Arduino plugin. I'm mantaining this plugin for
>             TurtleBlocks (AKA TurtleArt)
>             and the version showed have a little bugs (for example, the read
>             analog and digital blocks
>             not returns the read value).
>             With a friend, we update the PyFirmate in the plugin to latest
>             0.9.5.
>             Can you check on this GIT:
>             http://git.sugarlabs.org/arduino
>             About installation: the process described is correct but have their
>             problems, for
>             example: git is not installed by default on XO. And in some places
>             like Uruguay,
>             you don't have root access to install anything.
>             Other option is use the option "Load plugin" of TurtleBlocks that
>             install automatically
>             the plugin selected (only you need download a .tar.gz into the
>             Sugar Journal and
>             press Load Plugin and it was installed).
>             But that are a bit complicated... To solve that, we package the
>             Arduino plugin 
>             (and others like Lego NxT, Lego WeDo, etc)
>             with TurtleBlocks in a new activity called TurtleBots:
>             http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4434
>             I'm not have a board to test, someone can test it???
>             Regards!
>             Alan
> --
> Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @ http://unleashkids.org !
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James Cameron

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