[Sugar-devel] Dr.Geo on XO 1

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Sat May 19 18:24:24 EDT 2012

Nope, that was not it. I compiled with -mtune=geode, makes no difference.

In gdb I see it's segfaulting inside the GC logic. It's really puzzling this only happens on the XO-1 ...

- Bert -

On 19.05.2012, at 23:15, Bert Freudenberg wrote:

> The trace is not enlightening.
> I'll take a shot in the dark:
> I vaguely remember the XO-1's AMD Geode processor lacks some features that other x86 CPUs have. Do I remember correctly? If that is so, could you try compiling the VM in i386 compatibility mode? I don't recall how to do that, it's been too long ago ...
> - Bert -
> On 19.05.2012, at 23:01, Ariel Calzada wrote:
>> Hi Bert!
>> Yes I compiled 4.4.7 and this doesn't work with drgeo.image, i tested with pharo 1.3 image and it worked. Logs attached.
>> Regards,
>> Ariel Calzada
>> Activity Central
>> On 05/19/2012 03:57 PM, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
>>> Hi Ariel,
>>> there are messages missing from this thread. I did not see the message with your trace attachments.
>>> But, are you saying you compiled the 4.4.7 Squeak VM on an old Fedora and it still does not work with DrGeo on an XO-1?
>>> - Bert -
>>> On 19.05.2012, at 21:47, Ariel Calzada wrote:
>>>> Hi!
>>>> I downloaded it pharo image from http://www.pharo-project.org/pharo-download/release-1-4, and got the same error message. Is there any other test that i can do in order to fix the error?.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Ariel Calzada
>>>> Activity Central
>>>> 2012/5/19 Hilaire Fernandes <hilaire.fernandes at edu.ge.ch>
>>>> This VM was used with previous version of DrGeo.
>>>> Is the problem related to the latest stable Sugar and the VM and XO-1?
>>>> I tested DrGeo 11.08 and it worked with this identical set up.
>>>> So It could be related to the Pharo image I used, or all related together.
>>>> It is not easy to track the exact problem and it may take time.
>>>> One things to do could be to test latest, virgin, Pharo image 1.4 with
>>>> this same image., so it could clarify the problem
>>>> Hilaire
>>>> On 19/05/2012 20:10, Ariel Calzada wrote:
>>>> > Hi!
>>>> >
>>>> > We have made the following tests for XO 1.0:
>>>> >
>>>> > -- Run squeak binary  strace ./squeak drgeo.image ( Attachment:
>>>> > strace-binary.txt )
>>>> > -- Run squeak compiled  strace ./squeak drgeo.image ( Attachment:
>>>> > strace-src.txt )
>>>> >
>>>> > Both tests were not successful we got segmentation fault errors, we had
>>>> > review the strace logs but we haven't found why this happen.
>>>> >
>>>> > I hope this helps.
>>>> >
>>>> > Regards,
>>>> > Ariel Calzada
>>>> > Activity Central
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > 2012/5/16 Hilaire Fernandes <hilaire.fernandes at edu.ge.ch>
>>>> >
>>>> >> It looks like the SqueakVM I compiled for DrGeo  does not work with X0-1
>>>> >> last Sugar system, but ok with XO-1.5 last Sugar system.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> It will cost me too much to prepare a new VM, I am busy with tablet
>>>> >> versions of DrGeo.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> I invite other group interested to see DrGeo on Sugar, to compiled and
>>>> >> test a SqueakVM with the latest Sugar version. Idealy one should use the
>>>> >> COG Squeak VM coming with JITer and extend it to support the --sugar
>>>> >> application flags.
>>>> >> The Squeak VM coming with Sugar is an antiquity and slow horse anyway.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Hilaire
>>>> >>
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> Dr. Geo -- http://www.drgeo.eu

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