[Sugar-devel] git initial commit

Alan Jhonn Aguiar Schwyn alanjas at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 4 18:15:34 EST 2012

> [liveuser at localhost chimeplay.git]$ git push 
> gitorious at git.sugarlabs.org:chimeplay/mainline.git master
> == Gitorious: ==========================================================
> Access denied or wrong repository path
> ========================================================================
> fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
> [liveuser at localhost chimeplay.git]$
> ---------------------
> BTW, I get the same response when I omit "master" from the last command.
> What am I doing wrong please?

I see a problem: you create the project in http://git.sugarlabs.org/chimeplay but no a "repository"
For each project you can have some repositories..
Go tohttp://git.sugarlabs.org/chimeplay and in the right panel select: Add a repository and selecta name: for example: mainline
After.. make this in your machine if is the first time that uses GIT:
git config --global user.name 'your name'git config --global user.email "your mail"
After, go to the master brach:
git checkout master
Add the remote of your activity: (mainline is only for example)
git remote add origin gitorious at git.sugarlabs.org:chimeplay/mainline.git
And finally:
git push origin master
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