[Sugar-devel] Getting Journal entries off an XO at the end of a project?

Christoph Derndorfer christoph.derndorfer at gmail.com
Fri Jan 13 14:29:34 EST 2012

On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 8:21 PM, Alan Jhonn Aguiar Schwyn <
alanjas at hotmail.com> wrote:

>  "would it also be possible to simply backup all the Journal to USB
> drives or a network share and then give each pupil a copy of their backup?
> Would they be able to extract files into standard formats?"
> Hi,
> This activity: http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4326
> Make a backup of the Journal entries...
> The process is make an .tar.gz of all entries and save in a folder into an
> usb: /backup/SN###### (SN#... is the serial of the XO)
> With this, you can make some backups in the same pendrive...
> The twin activity: Restore:
> http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4327
> Decompress the .tar.gz into the journal again...
> If you decompress the .tar.gz the files are in the format of the journal..
> With luck, you find the file
> that you search and change the extension and you get the file..
> Regards!
> Alan
> PD: in ourt Uruguayan image.. Dextrosa.. The backup/restore are functions
> that appears in the Journal..
> I think that is the same script that this activities had..

Hi Alan,

thanks for your suggestion. I had looked into the Backup Activity but
according to the description on ASLO it only works with the data store from
Sugar 0.84 onwards and these machines are still running on build 767 which
shipped with Sugar 0.82 (though I hope to *finally* upgrade them to 11.3.0
next month).

Plus the "With luck, you find the file that you search and change the
extension and you get the file.." portion of your mail makes me think that
this isn't something that the pupils can do themselves. And manually going
through ~25 Journal backups myself sounds like very little fun to me... :-/


Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) [www.olpc.at]
editor, OLPC News [www.olpcnews.com]
contributor, TechnikBasteln [www.technikbasteln.net]

e-mail: christoph at derndorfer.eu
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