[Sugar-devel] Adding git to Sugar platform?

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at gmail.com
Sat Oct 22 07:32:00 EDT 2011

On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 7:36 AM, Gary Martin <garycmartin at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> On 22 Oct 2011, at 06:31, Martin Langhoff wrote:
>> On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 12:25 AM, Gary Martin
>> <garycmartin at googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> Just to clarify, as yum install git is about the first thing I do (closely followed by yum install vim and pylint) on a fresh XO install I remembered to take a note of the install size – for the current olpc candidate 882 build, yum reports git install size as 11Mb (on XO-1.75) and 12Mb on an XO-1. It just pulls in 3 packages, git, perl-Error, and perl-Git.
>> I think your numbers there understimate the situation. The Perl dep
>> chain is closer to what Peter reports.
> It's a rather late Friday night (well early Sat morning now I guess), so apologies if I'm missing something obvious... I just clean flashed os882 onto an XO-1 again. Running df -h reports /dev/root:
> 672Mb Used, 353Mb Avail, 66% Use.
> Then I yum install git, and df -h reports:
> 707Mb Used, 318Mb Avail, 69% Use.
> Then to clear the yum repo cache metadata, yum clean all:
> 677Mb Used, 348Mb Avail, 67% Use.
> So that seems to be only 5Mb of actual disk taken by installing git (I'm assuming disk compression has helped us out there from the otherwise yum reported 11Mb). I also tried a 'yum clean all' on a fresh os822, and df -h actually reported loosing 1Mb of free space (so just running 'yum clean all' must still be generating some metadata all of its own).

You missed the point that perl is already currently installed on the
XO 1.5 due to inkscape. We're working to fix that, and inkscape isn't
shipped on the XO-1. There's downloaded size and installed size. rpms
are xz compressed.


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