[Sugar-devel] [PATCH sugar] Control Panel: making about my computer section hardware independent, OLPC #11232

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-reply-to-2011-4 at silbe.org
Mon Oct 17 14:38:05 EDT 2011

Excerpts from Simon Schampijer's message of 2011-10-17 11:07:13 +0200:

> - powerpc is not a popular Sugar platform to make an enormous effort for 
> supporting it

I wouldn't consider anything we discussed an "enormous effort". With
that attitude PowerPC would never be a viable platform. Catch-22.

> - displaying all of the string on both cases (OLPC/powerpc) will likely 
> confuse people used to the old humanized string that is displayed at current
> - the string does always start with "CL": CL1 for XO-1, CL1B for XO-1.5, 
> CL2 for XO-1.75, to differentiate we can do the following:
> if: string.startswith('CL') string[6:13]
> else: display all of the string

Sounds good enough to me. We don't even need the length check as
foo[6:13] will simply give an empty string if foo is too short. Might be
good to add a comment to that effect, though.


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