[Sugar-devel] Localization of the "XO Help" activity: pot files generated successfully

Bastien bzg at altern.org
Mon Oct 10 11:58:37 EDT 2011

Salut Samy,

samy boutayeb <s.boutayeb at free.fr> writes:

> The output is quite "interessing". Apparently, html2po parses better the
> html files from the Aide-5 activity.
> However, if you look at the "Sugar_Introduction.html" file, you will
> observe that Marvin Minsky quote is skipped.
> At the contrary, the Okapi Toolkit parser did a better job, preserving
> the whole document.

Thanks for running these tests!

I spend some time yesterday and parsed the .html files in HelpFr back
into more fundamental and easily readable.org files (structured plain
text files, see http://orgmode.org).  This way we can focus on updating
the .org files and export them into .html files.

See http://git.sugarlabs.org/helpfr for details.

The attached Sugar_Introduction.po shows the result of parsing the
corresponding Sugar_Introduction.org with txt2po (version 1.9.0).  

Looks quite good actually.


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