[Sugar-devel] error building etoys in a debian distro

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Tue Nov 15 08:17:21 EST 2011

On 14.11.2011, at 19:28, Alvar Maciel wrote:

> Subject: error building etoys in a debian distro
> Hi to all,
> I'm trying to compile debian from source ina Debian 6.0 Distribution.
> The goal is build the .deb packages of sugar 0.94.1 because in my
> country (Argentina) there is a deployment of classmate with tjis
> distribution and are almost 400,000 machines to students of primary
> school. I think that this is an opportunity to  use sugar, so my
> summer project it's build this package.
> The only problem that I have (for now) it's in the building of etoys.
> this is the message:
> ln -sf activity-etoys.svg
> /opt/sugar-jhbuild/install/share/sugar/activities/Etoys.activity/activity/$f.svg
> ; \
>       done
> update-mime-database /opt/sugar-jhbuild/install/share/mime
> *** Error durante la fase install de etoys: Module failed to install
> into DESTDIR u'/opt/sugar-jhbuild/install/_jhbuild/root-etoys-broken'
> *** [1/1]
> any help?

Hi Alvar,

I'm not really familiar with the Debian packages, but perhaps the shared-mime-info package is not installed? Assuming it's the update-mime-database command that failed.

- Bert -

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