[Sugar-devel] Trac convention for OLPC bugs in the bugs.sugarlabs.org

Simon Schampijer simon at schampijer.de
Wed Jul 27 11:31:08 EDT 2011


Based on the discussions about 'how OLPC would like to use the Sugar 
Labs bugtracker" back in May [1] we would like to follow the following 
model for our next release cycle:

"Sugar and Sugar activity bugs must be filed on 
http://bugs.sugarlabs.org. All other bugs (or if uncertain) go to 

Bugs on dev.laptop.org are marked as "add to build" when the solution 
has been packaged, and then set to "test in build" by the release 
manager once a build has been made. Sam Greenfeld (QA lead) is in charge 
of watching and closing those tickets.

Bugs on bugs.sugarlabs.org are marked as fixed when the fix is committed 
to git, but tickets that deserve OLPC QA are keyworded with olpc-test 
(even in the fixed state). Sam Greenfeld (QA lead) is in charge of 
watching those tickets and to remove the keyword when his testing passed 
successfully or reopen the bug if failed. The developer committing the 
fix is in charge of closing the ticket." [2]

We think that this will not disrupt the Sugar Labs work flow it will 
only create a few more mails for Sugar Labs bug-mail subscribers in 
exchange Sugar Labs gets a hand in quality assurance.

If there are no serious objections against this model we would start 
moving on with that approach.


[1] http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/sugar-devel/2011-May/031552.html
[2] http://wiki.laptop.org/go/11.3.0/Release_plan#Trac_conventions

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