[Sugar-devel] [Dextrose] [PATCH sugar 2/2] Send XO serial numbers with anonymous reports

Samuel Greenfeld greenfeld at laptop.org
Fri Feb 4 10:11:16 EST 2011

It's worth noting that a "processor serial number" (along with any other
persistent identifier) falls under "personal information" and requires
anyone using this code that is either based in the United States or
working with children in the United States to obey the Children's Online
Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).  Other states/countries may have similar
laws, as well as more general privacy laws which cover adults as well.

While there are some exclusions for non-profits, there are some groups
(such as the US Government) who do require those working for them to
follow COPPA's rules regardless of the exclusion.

I would not recommend putting something like this in any release without
checking with legal counsel first (even for a single customer),
especially since I am not a lawyer.   This may even need several lawyers
involved for multiple parties (Sugarlabs, Activity Central, etc.) since
their incorporation status/location and places of work/deployments differ.

On 02/04/11 09:05, Aleksey Lim wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 04, 2011 at 08:35:03AM -0500, Walter Bender wrote:
>> It is not clear from this patch if there is a way for a deployment (or
>> individual) to disable this feature. It is unprecedented that we have
>> this level of auto-association between user and some arbitrary
>> authority -- there should be an opt-in policy at the deployment level
>> and an opt-out policy at the individual level IMHO.
> Actually we don't have implicit separtion between upstrem and downstream
> gconf configs, except having upstream and downstreamstream git repos.
> This feature was implemented entirely only within dextrose (thus mostly
> for deployment needs). It needs to be wteaked to make it vlaid for
> upstream, ie, broad usage.
> In case of sendind s/n w/ anonymous submits, it is request from the
> dextrose deployment (local policy permit such things and it might be
> useful for deployment).
>> -walter
>> On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 3:29 PM, Aleksey Lim <alsroot at member.fsf.org> wrote:
>>> ---
>>>  data/sugar.schemas.in                  |   11 +++++++++++
>>>  src/jarabe/model/feedback_collector.py |   10 ++++++++--
>>>  2 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/data/sugar.schemas.in b/data/sugar.schemas.in
>>> index 7e4a923..c3606f2 100644
>>> --- a/data/sugar.schemas.in
>>> +++ b/data/sugar.schemas.in
>>> @@ -24,6 +24,17 @@
>>>       </locale>
>>>     </schema>
>>>     <schema>
>>> +      <key>/schemas/desktop/sugar/feedback/anonymous_with_sn</key>
>>> +      <applyto>/desktop/sugar/feedback/anonymous_with_sn</applyto>
>>> +      <owner>sugar</owner>
>>> +      <type>bool</type>
>>> +      <default>false</default>
>>> +      <locale name="C">
>>> +        <short>Add XO serial numbers to anonymous submits</short>
>>> +        <long>Add XO serial numbers to anonymous submits.</long>
>>> +      </locale>
>>> +    </schema>
>>> +    <schema>
>>>       <key>/schemas/desktop/sugar/feedback/server_host</key>
>>>       <applyto>/desktop/sugar/feedback/server_host</applyto>
>>>       <owner>sugar</owner>
>>> diff --git a/src/jarabe/model/feedback_collector.py b/src/jarabe/model/feedback_collector.py
>>> index c0deae2..4671437 100644
>>> --- a/src/jarabe/model/feedback_collector.py
>>> +++ b/src/jarabe/model/feedback_collector.py
>>> @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ def start(host, port, auto_submit_delay):
>>>     _port = port
>>>     if auto_submit_delay > 0:
>>> -        gobject.timeout_add_seconds(auto_submit_delay, _submit)
>>> +        gobject.timeout_add_seconds(auto_submit_delay, anonymous_submit)
>>>  def update(bundle_id, report, log_file):
>>> @@ -90,7 +90,13 @@ def submit(message):
>>>  def anonymous_submit():
>>> -    _submit()
>>> +    from jarabe.journal import misc
>>> +
>>> +    data = {}
>>> +    client = gconf.client_get_default()
>>> +    if client.get_bool('/desktop/sugar/feedback/anonymous_with_sn'):
>>> +        data['serial_number'] = misc.get_xo_serial()
>>> +    _submit(data)
>>>  def _submit(data=None):
>>> --
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Dextrose mailing list
>>> Dextrose at lists.sugarlabs.org
>>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/dextrose
>> -- 
>> Walter Bender
>> Sugar Labs
>> http://www.sugarlabs.org

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