[Sugar-devel] Sugar-devel Digest, Vol 38, Issue 17

laurent bernabe laurent.bernabe at gmail.com
Mon Dec 5 19:40:45 EST 2011

Thank you Alan :) I've progressed ^^

   - I've download the version 43 of Pippy and installed it on my
   home/Activities folder
   - when i restarted emulator, i was able to run XOlympic, Physics,
   Playsine and Sequence
   - the Camera example still send me an error => (line 35 of pippy_app.py,
   in <module> at line "image = pygame.image.load('/tmp/pippypic.jpg') =>
   pygame.error : "Unsupported image file"
   - the Playwave and GetSoundList both seems to be requiring tam tam edit
   activity (which i will download and install) : the stacktrace is too long
   for me to copy it hand by hand, as I did not manage to copy/paste the result
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