[Sugar-devel] [DESIGN] Test startup animations

Gonzalo Odiard gonzalo at laptop.org
Thu Aug 11 13:43:33 EDT 2011

Thanks Gary, for review this.
Would be great if we can push it in 0.94.

> In the first test, I used alpha and scale cairo operations to modify to
> render only one time the icon
> > you can see the zoom effect at the start and a little improvement in
> startup time:
> >
> ......
> Fab! That's a good 2 or 3 seconds shaved off activity start time, a very
> important metric, even given we loose the original pulse design (i.e.
> pulsing between grey+white & user colours provides better contrast; the
> monochrome to colour also suggests an activity bundle starting up and
> becoming a users own activity).
> Are these two test machines XO-1, or XO-1.5s?
This is in XO 1.5, In XO-1 the difference is bigger.

> Regarding the zoom effect, it's great it is finally showing up ;-) but I
> wonder if the timing is different, it feels very slow/smooth/linear, is it
> using the same zoom maths as on previous Sugars? I'll need to have a tinker
> to see/check how it used to be.

Is using the same math.

> >
> > I did another try using two buffers, with the different colors, and
> changing the alpha
> > to obtain a similar effect. The code is a lot more complex, and is a
> little slower obviously.
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rLaE0TKZXw
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Q2RliMTLRM
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHBCSnrGsjA
> I do find these more visible as the grey/white stage of the pulse is
> guaranteed to provide some contrast even if the user has chosen a
> fill/stroke combination with low contrast. However, the cost seems rather
> high with only about 1sec launch time improvement and twice as much code to
> maintain.
Yes. That is the reason because I need your opinion about if the first
approach is enough or if we need the second one.

> Quick question about your second version (I couldn't quite grok my way
> through the patch). Are you 1) fading both the grey and the colour versions
> of the image so that as one becomes opaque, the other becomes transparent;
> or 2) drawing one in the background always as an opaque fill, and then just
> pulsing the other over the top from opaque to transparent? In my code (non
> Sugar) I find the latter choice keeps code to a minimum, is more efficient,
> and visually looks cleaner (avoids the white background leaking through
> during part of the cycle).
I am doing what you describe in 1)
I can try what you propose in 2) . Looks like is not a big change in the

> Here's a quick video if I didn't describe the above effect well enough
> (middle is alpha fading both images, right is the simple case of a single
> fade in/out for comparison, and left is using the monochrome image as an
> opaque background fill while drawing the colour image over the top with an
> alpha puse):
>        http://youtu.be/LLsqjGWBMfQ
Thanks. Is very clear.

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