[Sugar-devel] Weekly test request reminders? (was Re: Priorities for testing)

Tom Parker tom at carrott.org
Wed Sep 29 14:47:33 EDT 2010

On Wed, 2010-09-29 at 14:30 +0200, Simon Schampijer wrote:

> that would be excellent indeed. We especially need help with 0.90 
> testing. What hardware and software setup are you using for testing? 
> XOs? Soas?

In Auckland we have quite a lot of XO-1s (mostly CL1 models) and a few
XO-1.5s (mostly prototypes with the wireless powersaving hardware
fault). We have virtualbox and regular laptop hardware, but I don't
think we have anything on which wireless works with soas. We also have a
schoolserver and good internet connectivity.

Wellington has a similar number of XOs, but I'll let Tim describe their
soas, virtualbox and other resources.

See http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_New_Zealand 

Personally, I find XO, SoaS and VirtualBox images easiest to test, we
download the night before and re-image our XOs or make new SoaS. For
example there is a Sugar 0.90 release email on this list today and I
have no idea what I'd do with the source.

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