[Sugar-devel] What should system mood really mean? (forked from #2141 UNSP: Memory and CPU status indicator for the frame.)

Benjamin M. Schwartz bmschwar at fas.harvard.edu
Wed Sep 15 11:43:59 EDT 2010

On 09/15/2010 10:53 AM, Anish Mangal wrote:
> How about extending the meaning of 'system mood' to more than just the
> memory and cpu usage metrics.

I think this is a great idea, and a good learning opportunity if we expose
the units of measurement (watts, megabytes, etc.)

> + I'm almost out of resources (cpu, memory).
> + If I have a battery, its almost empty.
> + If I have wireless connectivity, I have very low signal strength.
> + I'm almost out of physical storage space.

+ CPU near temperature limit (available through ACPI)
+ Hard drive showing signs of impending failure (available through
SMART/HAL/udisks etc.)

I don't think "out of CPU" makes a lot of sense, but we can deal with that


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