[Sugar-devel] Backup and Restore activity icons

Gary C Martin garycmartin at googlemail.com
Fri Oct 1 11:46:56 EDT 2010

Hi Sascha,

As per your request on irc for some icon alternatives/clean-ups for your Backup and Restore activities, here are a few variations/iterations. First off, here is a simple clean-up of the two icons you are using now, scale of each now match, and colour is correct:

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Next I tried to make more explicit the target/destination. I went for the USB icon as the most generic storage device, though Backup/Restore would work to any storage hw device:
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With the above, I worried that the change in arrow direction alone was not a clear enough indicator for two activities. Below I've added a dot to indicate the target/destination:
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Finally one more iteration just using the target/destination dot. This allows larger details and abstracts away from USB hardware:
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Any catch your eye?


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