[Sugar-devel] [PATCH] Add icons to MANIFEST files

Bernie Innocenti bernie at codewiz.org
Thu May 20 03:09:58 EDT 2010

El Mon, 17-05-2010 a las 16:04 +0200, Sascha Silbe escribió:

> If these activities currently include MANIFEST in git, then yes, they 
> should stop doing so. Please note that I'm talking about git only, not 
> release tarballs or .xo's.

What is the current purpose of storing the MANIFEST inside an .xo? Isn't
it a mere duplicate of the filenames already listed in the zip index?

At least in its current form, this part of the bundle specification
sounds disturbingly reminiscent of the MANIFEST file in Java JAR
archives, but without any of its original purposefulness.

Unless we have imminent plans to make the MANIFEST actually do something
useful anytime soon, I'd offer the following flamebait^W code
simplification patch:

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