[Sugar-devel] OLPC mesh support in Sugar-0.84

James Cameron quozl at laptop.org
Wed May 19 22:54:08 EDT 2010

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 09:22:52PM -0400, Bernie Innocenti wrote:
> I'd expect people to change their mind on the feasibility of a quick
> transition to Sugar 0.88 after they see my new build.

Yes, that's quite possible.  My opinion was distorted by not having
access to a build on XO hardware.  Once I got Michael Stone's 0.88
experimental [1] running on an XO-1.5 over the top of our current
builds my opinion was better informed.

A brief test of XO-1.5 os121 (Fedora 11) with Sugar 0.88 [1].

Activity start and use test passed: Pippy, Browse, Turtle Blocks, Log,
Jukebox, Chat, Write, Image Viewer, SocialCalcActivity, Terminal, Maze,
Get Books, Read, Memorize, Finance, Etoys, Calculate, TamTamMini,
Implode, Physics, Scratch, TamTamSynthLab, Help, Moon, Paint, Colors!,
Stopwatch, Words, Measure, Labyrinth, Typing Turtle, TamTamJam,

Fail to start: WikipediaEN (a stack trace, WikipediaActivityEN object has
no attribute _browser), Speak (a 0sugar problem, 0sugar-selector).

Test failures: Record (bad layout), TamTamEdit (needed a keystroke after
toolbar stop button before it would quit), F4 key unresponsive.

Perhaps you'll have more fun with the distro swing.


1.  git://dev.laptop.org/users/mstone/sugar

James Cameron

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