[Sugar-devel] [SoaS] Deja-Dup (duplicity) as a way to backup-restore Soas Mirabelle Home directory

Bernie Innocenti bernie at codewiz.org
Mon May 17 20:42:35 EDT 2010

El Mon, 17-05-2010 a las 15:20 -0700, Thomas C Gilliard escribió:

> I am still thinking of the "sneakernet" use case where there is no
> networking to use for backup.
> It does NOT backup or restore the journal.
> (It will restore to a new unchanged script created USB. (I am still
> testing). This would be useful if the overlay got corrupted or full..

Why backup the entire OS when the user can only write to $HOME?

(Besides, the overlay should never get corrupted because it shouldn't
even exist, but that's another story :-)

> The deja-dup functionality is neat: 

Yeah, I know it's good: I made everyone in the office use it for their
computers. Besides, we use Duplicity to back up all Sugar Labs' servers.

We could use Duplicity to backup to USB sticks and even Amazon S3, but I
still think that the UI should be integrated with the control panel or
perhaps with the Journal (through menu items "Back up" and "Restore"
directly on the device icon).

   // Bernie Innocenti - http://codewiz.org/
 \X/  Sugar Labs       - http://sugarlabs.org/

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