[Sugar-devel] Hi; GSoC?

Benjamin M. Schwartz bmschwar at fas.harvard.edu
Thu Mar 18 11:43:22 EDT 2010

Isaac Dupree wrote:
> I wonder if this Zero/Sugar 
> project could use some GSOC support, or if there are more 
> useful/important things to work on?

I think 0install+Sugar integration would be a very valuable project.  The
Sugar Labs Oversight Board recently approved a statement that Sugar needs
"a mechanism for supporting access to non-Sugar dependencies".  I think
0install fits the bill well.

There are many Sugar developers who are skeptical of 0install's utility
for Sugar.  I think a GSoC project to add deep 0install support to the
Sugar core would be a great way to resolve this issue.  If the GSoC
project produces a compelling result, then perhaps more developers will be
convinced, and the project's code can be committed to Sugar mainline.

There are many aspects to 0install, so you might want to focus your
efforts on some subset of the 0install system.  Some examples:

Enable 0share for local sharing of Activities.
Use 0install's cryptographic identifiers as indices in a commenting system
("This activity is super-fun and never crashed for me.")
Add 0mirror support to the school server (XS), possibly integrated with
ASLO mirroring.
Use 0test to improve Activity reliability across different Sugar versions,
distros and hardware.
Add 0compile to Sugar for running on unusual architectures (e.g. MIPS)
Add 0publish support to the Develop activity, so that users can easily
create and publish Activities.
Add 0install support to the Journal.

and many more


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