[Sugar-devel] Hi; GSoC?

Aleksey Lim alsroot at member.fsf.org
Wed Mar 17 16:11:17 EDT 2010

On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 02:21:08AM -0400, Isaac Dupree wrote:
> Hi, I'm a student interested in the Sugar GSoC -- I've been reading this 
> list for a while so I thought I'd ask about how I might be useful. For 
> the summer, I'm near Boston (is anybody else? I'd love to chat with 
> enthusiasts in person). I'm a big fan of constructivist learning; it's 
> kind of how my parents "taught" me, and some parts of my college studies 
> are learning-related.  Last year I did GSoC for Haskell.org refactoring 
> part of their technical infrastructure.  Two years ago my college had an 
> OLPC Seminar class where we got to play with one of the XO-1's.  I'm 
> open to anything that gets me more involved in this ecosystem!
> One thing I've noticed happening, that I know something about -- I'm 
> also on the Zero-Install mailing-list -- is an attempt to integrate 
> Zero-Install and Sugar activities somewhat.  This makes me really happy 
> because before, I didn't see a real market/goal for Zero-Install; and 
> conversely, easy, potentially decentralized Activity distribution does 
> need a technological backing a bit unlike the well-established 
> Linux-distribution-mechanisms (I've used Linux -- several different 
> distros -- for the past five years).  I wonder if this Zero/Sugar 
> project could use some GSOC support, or if there are more 
> useful/important things to work on?

Just to clarify situation about 0sugar. 0install is only one way how
activity deployment (in addition-to/instead-of .xo) can happen (other ways
also include "current .xo is pretty useful scheme"). More over following
0install way will change activity bundles sharing scheme dramatically
and will require support on ASLO thus it is pretty arguable matter.

So, in case of having GSoC project, 0install related stuff could be
given up in the sugar future.

For myself, I'm sure 0sugar is pretty useful for activities I'm planing
to create/sugarize - Toolkit (Vala based sugar-toolkit reimplementation),
sugarization of existed not-python projects like GCompris (with Toolkit)
but I'm planing to use not invasive deployment schemes, instead of
0installing ASLO, use either upstream sites (e.g. gcompris.net) or
special (ASLO-like, wiki etc) portal for 0sugar activities.


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