[Sugar-devel] Ticket #245 - More information needed

Kenny Meyer knny.myer at gmail.com
Wed Mar 17 22:59:14 EDT 2010

I took ownership of Ticket #245 [1] but there is a thing I need to know:

When exactly has to spin the cursor?
I'm using Ubuntu with sugar from the launchpad PPA repositories and
sugar-jhbuild as my testing environment (sugar 0.87.7). 
I just see the DropDown Field for selecting the language in the Language
section of the Control Panel and it's working swiftly here; now I don't
know if the same behaviour is being reproduced on the XO.

I would be pleased to hear your comments.

I'm very new to Sugar and the Trac Bug Tracker, though I know that's no
excuse for not reading the Wiki before.

I carelessly modified the ticket, without reading the Bug Triage Guide
[2] entirely before. I violated rules and I apologize for possibly
caused inconveniences. I'll try to avoid errors in the future from now

Despite that, I would be glad if I could be a contributor to the

Best Regards,

[1] http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/245
[2] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/BugSquad/Triage_Guide

  Kenny Meyer
  Software Geek | http://kenny.alwaysdata.net

  Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land amongst the stars..
    - Les Brown
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