[Sugar-devel] [PATCH] Browse: Add support for creating multiple tabs

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-ui-sugar-devel at silbe.org
Wed Jun 30 08:54:13 EDT 2010

Excerpts from Anish Mangal's message of Tue Jun 29 21:16:52 +0000 2010:

> 1. On f13 based sugar environments (such as soas3, jhbuild-0.88), this
> patch will occasionally cause Browse to crash when closing tabs. This
> probably happens because of a bug [1] (or something very similar to
> this). As a workaround, one can downgrade the cairo package from
> cairo-1.8.10 to cairo-1.8.8-1.fc11 (or upgrade to the latest
> development version 1.9.10-1, though I haven't tested that).
This is supposed to be fixed in Debian, but it still crashes for me. So even though I like the feature I have to NAK this patch for now.

BTW: I recommend using coloured diffs to catch whitespace errors (take a look at _add_tab_cb() in your patch):

git config --global color.diff auto


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