[Sugar-devel] initial commit to git?

Martin Dengler martin at martindengler.com
Sun Jun 6 23:35:52 EDT 2010

Glad you sorted it out.

On Sun, Jun 06, 2010 at 11:00:43PM -0400, Art Hunkins wrote:
> Simple enough: just add "master" to the end of your first git push
> command. (I believe it's only necessary for the initial commit.)

Yes, because there is no "master" ref in the remote repo - it's empty
of commit objects and refs that might name them.

> I had not run across this requirement before anywhere in the git
> repository itself.

Which requirement?  If you see 'just add[ing] "master"' as "a
requirement" you're missing the point of what "git push" does.  One
always is telling git to push _to_ a *ref* (e.g., "master") - it just
was implied / defaulted sensibly before so you may not have realised
what ref git was choosing for you.  Try to push from a branch named
one thing in your local repo but a different thing on the remote repo
without understanding what "git push origin master" means - you'll be
hopelessly confused :).

> One of the problems I've encountered is that it's difficult to find
> specific info in the wiki - especially when you don't know your
> precise problem.

That's why I suggested re-reading your favorite git tutorial and
asking oneself "what could I be overlooking?".  The git man pages
reward educated study - not easy when one is frustrated at a
distracting problem, I admint.

> Art Hunkins

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