[Sugar-devel] Pathagar issue: I figured it out

Sameer Verma sverma at sfsu.edu
Sun Jul 11 17:02:51 EDT 2010

On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 3:20 PM, James Simmons <nicestep at gmail.com> wrote:
> Sayamindu,
> I figured out how to set up Pathagar and get it running.  I'm going to
> be writing it up in my book.
> One comment: the book list shows the books in sequence by how they
> were entered into the database.  I would think other sort sequences
> would be more useful.
> Second comment: I'd make the pictures for the book cover display
> larger.  You have the space on the page, why not use it?  Also, I
> wouldn't necessarily call it a "cover".  Books in the public domain
> don't have nice book jackets, but they do have nice title pages,
> interior illustrations, etc.  The image that represents the book best
> is not necessarily its cover.
> I ended up commenting out the entries in settings.py that refer to the
> debug toolbar.  You might put in comments showing how to do that.
> James Simmons
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I did the same...commented out the debug stuff. Nice project!  I can
see how this would be immensely useful on a school server where
books/media have to be served outside of a "course", like a local
public library.

Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Information Systems
Director, Campus Business Solutions
San Francisco State University

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