[Sugar-devel] [DESIGN] Control Panel Font configuration

Gary C Martin gary at garycmartin.com
Tue Jan 19 17:41:21 EST 2010

Hi Yevlempy,

On 19 Jan 2010, at 19:22, Yevlempy(Harsh Verma) wrote:

> Hi
> I am working on building the font configuring control panel, it will be a pygtk based control panel extension for
> handling the fonts.

Cool, thanks for volunteering! 

> I have been working on few mockups for designing the font configuring control panel. There 
> are three different kind of rough mockups i am giving here, with there own features and would like your advice
> and feedback on which to work upon.
> 1> http://img693.imageshack.us/img693/8779/sugarfontpanel1.png
> This contains a simple drag menu to adjust the size as starting from 5 to 48 with default 10 and default font Sans
> Serif .[1]This will also contain a restart sign at the bottom of the frame.

This 1st design appeals to me the most. Simple, clean, not too overwhelming. Will there be a mark or label where the default "10" value would be, so that once you move it, you know what the original default was? Am I right in assuming that just the font size is being adjusted (the other designs suggest that the font may also change).

For the "restart button", other control panels reveal an alert if you try to exit with a changed value (and show a small warning triangle and message at the bottom of the canvas once you change from the current value).

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> 2>http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/4790/sugarfontpanel2.png
> This contains the same features as in gnome font panel, the button at the middle of the frame works same as 
> desktop fonts work in gnome, on pressing it we will get various font and size changing options.
> 3>http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/5271/sugarfontpanel3.png
> The third one will kinda work as the language settings in sugar works i.e a dropdown menu will 
> appear containing the font sizes.
> [1] By saying this i mean a icon at the bottom that updates the changes in font, the next time 
> system is rebooted
> Kindly provide your feedback, so that i can start working on it.
> Thanks,
> yevlempy 
> -- 
> yevlempy | Harsh Verma
> Fedora Ambassador(INDIA)
> http://yevlempy.wordpress.com/
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