[Sugar-devel] A heads up for the major changes that will appear in Fedora 15 / SoaS 5

Gary Martin garycmartin at googlemail.com
Thu Dec 30 09:05:58 EST 2010

Hi Peter,

On 28 Dec 2010, at 21:17, Peter Robinson <pbrobinson at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I just thought I would give people a heads up for changes that I'm
> aware of that are going to be appearing in Fedora 15 / SoaS 5.
> The big one will be gnome3/gtk3 plus the associated changes that will
> come with the required pygtk / gobject-introspection (Tomeu could you
> possibly fill out some of the impact of this?), I'm somewhat concerned
> about this actually but time will tell.

This is the monstrous gaping maw of doom, from my perspective. Just about every Activity and much of the Sugar UI will break. Hopefully some of the fixes may be cookie cutter applied once we've worked through a few. It'll be a red flag day for all Activities, as once fixed up, they will be incompatible with past Sugar releases (up to now it has been largely possible for an Activity to run on all past Sugar releases).

Tomeu mentioned the idea of a Sugar hackathon event of some kind to try and fix up as much as possible.


> Also on the cards is the following:
> - csound 5.12.1 (in rawhide now - please test)
> - systemd - new init startup - I don't this affects us directly in
> that we don't have any specific custom services that depend on it
> (although it might affect olpc)
> - /var/run and /var/lock mounted as tmpfs (likely no affect as the last one)
> - Replace setuid applications with File Capabilities in order to make
> them more secure (again I don't think anything will be affected)
> All the current approved Fedora 15 features can be found here [1]
> If anyone else knows of anything else that might affect the release,
> or if anyone has queries or more information to add please speak up.
> Regards,
> Peter
> [1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:FeatureAcceptedF15
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