[Sugar-devel] UI: Advice about UI changes in Write

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-reply-to-2010-3 at silbe.org
Sat Dec 4 05:18:29 EST 2010

Excerpts from Gonzalo Odiard's message of Fri Dec 03 14:00:58 +0100 2010:

> You can increment/decrement  the zoom with Ctrl + / - to any level.

Is that discoverable? What are the increments (step size)? How fast is

It usually takes me only very few tries to choose the correct zoom level
by entering a number (good first guess + something similar to binary
search). If I can only single-step (in addition to the few fixed zoom
levels), it'll either be a bad match (too large increment) or take a lot
of key presses / time (fine increment => many steps).


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