[Sugar-devel] Record Activity (audio)
Art Hunkins
abhunkin at uncg.edu
Sun Aug 1 23:17:31 EDT 2010
Tom -
So much for Record and the EeePC900 ;)
I gather that was expected from the previous reports.
Again, is anyone actively working on Record audio to get it to be more reliable?
Art Hunkins
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Gilliard
To: Art Hunkins
Cc: Sugar-devel at lists.sugarlabs.org
Sent: Sunday, August 01, 2010 7:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Sugar-devel] Record Activity (audio)
I just tested Strawberry(Soas-v1) and Blueberry(Soas-v2) on EeePC900
Strawberry: record 64=yes (no sound)
Blueberry: record (66,67,79)=yes (no sound)
I downloaded all of the record .xo to a USB stick
And then drag-dropped them into the sugar -journal of the test USB Soas Stick
(I had to erase ;-right click;-previous Record-xx.xo I had tested from the sugar journal prior to next test)
Tom Gilliard
Art Hunkins wrote:
I'd guess the audio issues have to do with the hardware as well - though I
did not test on any of the "problem" systems enumerated in your link.
All my SoaS tests were on the same desktop computer - i.e., same hardware.
As noted, some versions of Record worked flawlessly (SoaS), others with
glitches (major or minor) and/or artifacts, and some not at all (either no
save, no play, even no load - as in Record v64 with Blueberry, "failed to
load plugin").
These results would seem to indicate issues *in addition* to hardware
Art Hunkins
----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas Gilliard" <satellit at attglobal.net>
To: "Art Hunkins" <abhunkin at uncg.edu>
Cc: <Sugar-devel at lists.sugarlabs.org>
Sent: Sunday, August 01, 2010 6:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Sugar-devel] Record Activity (audio)
Art Hunkins wrote:
I've recently developed a 4-file mono/stereo realtime mixer/processor
application in Csound, and it works well on the XO's and versions of
SoaS. So I was thinking of porting it in Python to Sugar as an Activity.
One problem: currently Csound imports standard uncompressed soundfiles,
and doesn't work with ogg. The Record Activity only outputs ogg, it
seems. I would not consider porting my application to Sugar if Csound
could handle a filetype that Record can output.
Question #1: what are the chances that Record can be enhanced to produce
wav files?
Question #2: what are the chances that Record can be made to work
dependably on Sugar .82-.88 (at least)?
With regard to question #2, I get very spotty (mixed) results for Record
(audio), as follows:
XO-1.0: Record 59 works fine; higher versions (including 64) have major
audio dropouts.
XO-1.5: Record 64 bad, with major dropouts; v67 is semi-OK as is v85
(recording artifacts and occasional glitches)
Strawberry: Record 64 works fine; further upgrades don't (including v66,
v79, v85) - *nothing (including won't save or play)*
Blueberry: v66 is semi-OK (slight artifacts, no dropouts); v64, v79 and
v81 - *nothing*
Mirabelle: v64 not tested; otherwise same results as Blueberry
look at:
"...+camera NO sound Asus Aspire One, NO camera +sound EeePC900''
It depends on the Hardware it seems..
I will try some more testing..
Tom Gilliard
Bottom line: not encouraging. Is anyone currently working on Record?
Art Hunkins
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