[Sugar-devel] Modern Linux trends (was: Re: [PATCH] use ConsoleKit instead of HAL for)

Martin Langhoff martin.langhoff at gmail.com
Mon Apr 26 11:32:07 EDT 2010

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 11:20 AM, C. Scott Ananian <cscott at cscott.net> wrote:
> Martin, I'm not sure NetworkManager is really the right tool for your
> (server) job.  NetworkManager's goal in life is dynamic roaming, not
> static setups.

You'd be surprised: people are proposing complete removal of
networks-scripts in Fedora/RH, and for use of NM on server setups.

> I'm just saying that a command-line interface
> isn't the be-all and end-all.

It's a pretty important interface however. I don't think anyone can
claim maturity of an important piece of infra (such as the network
handling) that cannot be queried and poked easily from cli tools.

> If NM doesn't do what you want, let's write the tools/patches

Sure, and I've done my good chunk of adapting tools (see git).

If the old farts are complaining, it's because we had tools with cli
interfaces; they are being removed before the replacement has even
basic cli support.


 martin.langhoff at gmail.com
 martin at laptop.org -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
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