[Sugar-devel] [IAEP] [SLOBS] Long-term support for Sugar

Gary C Martin gary at garycmartin.com
Tue Sep 22 11:51:38 EDT 2009

I'm trying to stay out of this massive time sink hole, but I couldn't  
let this one float by.

On 22 Sep 2009, at 07:14, Bernie Innocenti wrote:

> Last, but certainly not least,
> * Activity sharing is not even implemented, yet!  We'll think
>   about these esoteric scenarios when they come... if at all.
>   The "what if" engineering often results in really bad
>   engineering.

This is not a "what if" it works right now and since 0.84. Any .xo  
bundle in your Journal can be 'sent to' over the either to any friend,  
where by Journal will automatically install it for them. I have sent  
the Physics.xo bundle to a number of remote folks via this method  
(followed by sending example physics simulations). If you take into  
account sneaker net, you've always been able to pop a .xo on a USB  
stick and hand it to someone else. This is a reason I'd be happy to  
see all .xo bundles appear in the Journal (so they can be shared, or  
hacked on by our users).

Lets not loose one of the major open source benefits of Sugar, that  
the commercial competition really can't provide.


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