[Sugar-devel] Remove the naming alert in 0.86

Benjamin M. Schwartz bmschwar at fas.harvard.edu
Sat Sep 5 13:27:18 EDT 2009

Gary C Martin wrote:
>>> How about "Change this title to a description of this Write Document!"?
> Drawbacks, are that many will still choose to not edit the name, and
> Journal will fill with this junk text when ever they don't bother (I
> usually only edit a name if I think the content is of future use).

If the content is not of future use, why are we keeping it around at all?

> The auto-title needs to be smarter, more useful, not more annoying ;-)

Your "smart auto-title" sounds more like a preview than a title.  I think
having faster visibility of previews in the Journal is a great idea... and
might dodge this problem nicely.

Auto-title would indeed be cool, and should be easily implementable with
the existing API, but in my view, part of the point of Sugar is to
minimize the amount of work required to create a highly usable Activity.
To that end, I'm inclined to focus on designs that benefit Activities that
_don't_ have fancy internationalized title generation logic.

That's not to say that we shouldn't do both.

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