[Sugar-devel] [DESIGN] Re: [Bugs] #1508 UNSP: confusing wording on download from Browse

Wade Brainerd wadetb at gmail.com
Mon Oct 19 15:01:04 EDT 2009

On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 10:12 AM, Eben Eliason <eben at laptop.org> wrote:
> To stop the activity now now you must cancel your ongoing download.
> [Cancel download] [Continue download]

This sounds well thought out, but imagining the experience in my head
makes me wonder a little.

Two user perspectives:
1) Do I want to keep downloading or not?  Continuing the activity is
the implicit choice.
2) Do I want to keep using the activity or not?  Continuing the
download is the implicit choice.

Since I clicked the [Stop] button, 2) feels more natural.  Whether to
stop the activity should be the primary choice, with the download's
continuation being implicit, since stopping the activity was the
initiating action.

In other words making a decision, then being asked an orthogonal
question (with an implicit effect on the decision I made), seems off.

....Side note: Since the Journal displays the progress bar as files
are downloaded, wouldn't it be cool if Browse just handed the download
off to the Journal?  That would allow the download to continue even
after Browse stops.  It would also allow the download to be resumed if
the machine is restarted, network connection lost, etc.  Worthy
Journal feature request?


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