[Sugar-devel] Design mockup of a different activity launcher

Avi fiendishx at gmail.com
Sun Oct 18 20:19:17 EDT 2009

Tim McNamara wrote:
> I am thinking of when a child uses the home computer, Dad's computer 
> at work, the grand parents's second hand machine, a friend's computer 
> and then maybe one of several computers that are running at school. 
> Resolutions and hardware are consistently changing.
> I don't know if reliance on the first bootup meets the goals envisaged 
> of SoaS (as I understand them!), to provide portable computing everywhere.
Ah, I didn't mean the first boot to be the perfect solution, just 
something that I see as a common use case scenario for both SoaS and 
XOs. To be sure, it does nothing to solve the problem that it doesn't 
give any meaningful information to the user. The nice thing (at least 
from just a performance optimization perspective) about the proposed 
mechanism that checks the resolution and only generates new images when 
it needs to is that in all the cases where resolution actually is fixed, 
it is equivalent to only ever doing it once, whereas in even the most 
extreme switching case it is no worse than the current slow method. I 
think it could safely work for both standard Sugar and SoaS instances. 
It's clearly not the best solution, as the best solution would work 
equally well for all scenarios and would be more informative, but I 
think it would be very simple to put into practice, since it should 
require very little change to existing code.
- Avi

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