[Sugar-devel] Assorted Debian+Sugar bugs

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Tue Oct 13 18:18:59 EDT 2009

On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 07:52:11PM -0400, Michael Stone wrote:
>Jonas & co:
>I just wanted to report a couple of regressions that I found today 
>while trying out sugar-0.84 on Sid. In no particular order:

Thanks for reporting this.

Even better, however, is if you file issues like this as proper 

The best way to file bugreports in Debian is to install the package 
"reportbug" and use the commandline tool of the same name to generate 
and send an email to our Bug Tracking System.

I will respond here, cross-posted to both list, to respect your choice 
of communication platform.  But there is a higher risk that your 
information will not get tracked and the issues not solved by doing it 
this way.

>  2. Pippy-25 was unable to Keep my sample python code As An Activity Bundle
>     apparently due to changes in the bundle creation code surrounding the use
>     and interpretation of the bundle_name parameter.

Yeah, sound possible that the old version of Pippy have problems like 
that.  Hopefully a simple update of that package solves this.

>  4. Lastly, it seems surprising to me that installing education-desktop-sugar
>     and sugar-0.84 results in fewer activities installed on Sid than it does
>     on Squeeze. In my testing today, Pippy was the only activity visible in
>     the List View.

Yes, I currently package all parts of Sugar currently officially 
packaged for Debian, and yes, I am involved in the Skolelinux project 
too.  But no, I am *not* involved in that education-desktop-sugar 
package and it is poorly maintained as far as I am aware.  I recommend 
that you remove that package to not confuse yourself and others about 
what is Sugar in Debian.

Sugar is not yet fully packaged for Debian - parts of Sucrose is still 
missing.  I intend to provide a so-called "metapackage" which depends on 
a complete Sucrose when all parts of Sucrose have been packaged 

Until then, you will need to explicitly install the activities that you 
want, and any parts of Sucrose that does not get pulled in 
automatically, if any.

I believe that currently all packaged parts of Sucrose 0.84 or 0.86 gets 
pulled in automatically when installing the respective branch of the 
Browse activity (i.e. either sugar-browse-activity-0.84 or 
sugar-browse-activity-0.86).  But if you do something unusual - like 
using aptitude --without-recommends option - then your installation 
_will_ lack some parts.

The reason for recommending whenever possible, rather than striclty 
depending, is to hopefully allow more odd installations of fractions of 
Sucrose - e.g. installing Sugar activities on a thin-client server 
without needing the X11 server, and only X11 server and window manager 
without needing to install activities on a thin-client client host.

>P.S. - Please also find attached the output of "dpkg -l" run from inside my
>testing chroot. This chroot was constructed by the code in the "sugar" branch
> http://dev.laptop.org/git/users/mstone/puritan
>with conf/distro == debian and conf/debian/distro == sid.

Ahem, does this mean that you did not in fact use a Debian system but 
some homecooked lookalike?

Kind regards,

  - Jonas

* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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