[Sugar-devel] Volunteer Opportunity

Benjamin M. Schwartz bmschwar at fas.harvard.edu
Fri Nov 6 13:18:21 EST 2009

Derek Dally wrote:
> Does anyone need a hand?

Definitely!  There are all sort of interesting things that need work in
Sugar.  Off the top of my head, we need programming help with GUI,
networking, data storage and search, OS security, hardware interaction,
accessibility, and speed optimization ... and that's just in the core
system!  We're also always looking for people to develop and improve the
Activities that run on Sugar, and the deployment systems (distro packages,
VM images, bootable disks) that allow people to use it.

That's why when people ask if they can contribute, I say "what are you
interested in?".  Whatever it is, we probably need it.


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