[Sugar-devel] [RELEASE] activities.sugarlabs.org v3

Aleksey Lim alsroot at member.fsf.org
Mon Jun 29 11:02:14 EDT 2009

On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 09:31:46AM -0500, Jim Simmons wrote:
> Aleksey,
> ASLO is much improved.  Thanks for your efforts.  But...
> Next to each  Category in the Categories list is a number in a blue
> circle or oval.  When I saw this number I assumed it was a count of
> how many Activities there are in that Category, which would be great.
> HOWEVER it does not seem to be the correct number.  Or maybe it is the
> right number, but means something that is not obvious to me.  If so,
> what does it mean?  And could we do anything to make that meaning
> clearer?

yeah looks like its just wrong number,
I've created http://dev.sugarlabs.org/ticket/1008


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